
Project Overview

Epic Door is a project I did for a Game Art class that I took at SCAD. We had to design a door, choosing between magical, mechanical, or electric, and use it to create a cinematic or in-game cut scene in Unreal Engine 5’s sequencer. I chose to go the magical route and designed and animated a door that is a connection between two very different worlds - a magical, mystical forest into a futuristic, cyberpunk city.

Narrative: The cut scene begins with the character entering a magical forest and finding a stone door enclosed in branches. The presence of the character triggers the magical orbs hiding in the trees and are used as keys to open the door. The character enters the door and finds herself in an abandoned, futuristic city. Towards the end of the cut scene, there is an explosion and the credits roll. However, in the post-credit scene, another character emerges. She is the alternate version of the original character in this new reality.

Project Duration: 4 Weeks

My Role

I am the concept designer, modeler, animator, director, and cinematographer for this project. I conceptualized the idea of the door design, modeled it, and animated how it functions. I also thought about the two worlds that the door connects. I established an overall narrative that is consistent throughout the entire cut scene. I did the cinematography, keeping in mind how to best tell the story.


Process Book

Door 3D Model

Door Function and Animation


Set Dressing

Final Cut Scene Video


Unreal Engine 5


Adobe Illustrator

Design Process

  1. Brainstorm

  2. Research

  3. Visual Style & Mood Board

  4. Initial Door Concept Designs

  5. Door Design Modification

  6. Door 3D Modeling

  7. Door Function & Animation

  8. Block Out

  9. Cinematic Rough

  10. Choosing Existing Assets

  11. Set Dressing Both Worlds

  12. Finalizing Cut Scene


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